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Novus Wealth Management news image for A 'galloping' good time

A 'galloping' good time

Here at Novus Wealth Management we believe in rewarding our hard-working colleagues and we recently did just that with our annual staff outing.

July 18, 2018 | 09:43

Our full team had a great time at the Macmillan Charity Raceday at York Races on 16 June – a thoroughly fun and worthy event in the racing calendar.

We like to make a day of it, so the ladies and gents at Novus Wealth Management donned their finest dresses and suits and enjoyed some excellent hospitality, and of course a glass of fizz or two.

Staff recognition and reward is a huge part of what makes our organisation so special – and one of the main reasons our employees choose to stay with us long-term.

Alongside excellent benefits, we like to take the team outside of the office and socialise regularly, and what better opportunity to do so than by making the most of the exceptional racing events we have on the doorstep in the North East and Yorkshire.

The day also proved that teamwork pays off, with some of our staff pooling their bets for a memorable win, thanks to the rather aptly named ‘sovereign debt’.

There were more winners and, unfortunately some losers, from the other races on the day, but a good time was had by all regardless!

If you're looking to say thank you to your staff, why not get in touch with us to discuss refreshing your employee benefits?

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